



Lacaton & Vassal's revamp of a 1960s housing block has earned the French architects the 2019 EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture, also known as the Mies van der Rohe Award, which biannually recognizes the best example of European architecture completed in the past two years.

凭借1960年代法国波尔多公寓改造项目,Lacaton & Vassal事务所赢得了2019年欧盟当代建筑奖(又称密斯凡德罗奖)。该奖项每两年举办一次,对过去两年内欧洲地区的建筑优秀作品进行表彰。


摄影:Philippe Ruault

(Left) Before and (Right) After. Photo by Philippe Ruault.

For the winning project, Grand Parc Bordeux, the Paris-based firm used their pioneering housing strategies to take cramped and dim apartments and open them up to light and air in order to improve the quality of life of those living there. Transforming three blocks of 530 homes, the architects added architectural features such as winter gardens and balconies. By relying on prefabricated elements and catalogue products such as sliding doors, they were able to intervene while keeping costs low, ensuring that no rent increases were necessary, and that residents could remain in their homes during the work. 

获奖项目——Grand Parc Bordeux中,设在巴黎的Lacaton & Vassal事务所运用领先的住宅理念,针对阴暗逼仄的公寓空间,将其变得开敞通透,提升了住户的居住体验。项目涵盖530套住宅,设计师添加了诸如冬季花园和阳台的建筑元素。依靠预制元件和推拉门,不仅实现了建筑干预,也达到了低成本要求,确保住户无需多付房租,在施工期间住户仍然可以居住于此。

Known for their delicate interventions, the duo have long championed the rehabilitation of post-war housing estates across France—an effort best encapsulated by their dictum: “Never demolish, never remove or replace, always add, transform, and reuse!" 


The jury, chaired by Dorte Mandrup, commended the practice for this sensitivity and their ability to use minimum means to achieve a maximum effect. "The ensemble becomes an optimistic opportunity for social housing and modernity," they wrote, adding that "the architects [showed] a very high acknowledgement of who and what they are working with."

由Dorte Mandrup领衔的奖项评委会赞扬了事务所的设计敏感性和利用极少原料、实现最优效果的能力。评委会表示,“项目带来了社会住宅和现代主义的积极转变,设计师对改造对象和使用人群有着深刻理解。”

In addition, the European Commission and the Mies van der Rohe Foundation also announced the winner of the 2019 Emerging Architecture Prize. This year, the jury commended the Toulouse studio BAST for their extension of a small village school. The jury stated that they were drawn by the extremely precise implementation and design decisions which make the refectory a remarkable project. "The work was done with extreme humbleness," they added.


The winners will be celebrated at the EU Mies Award Day on May 7 in Barcelona. The event will include the opening of the "EU Mies Award 2019 exhibition" that will show models, texts, videos, sketches and drawings of the 40 shortlisted works and a summary of all 383 nominees, the presentation of the EU Mies Award 2019 catalogue and the app; and the "EU Mies Talks" on ‘Architecture for the Community’ and ‘Contemporary architecture and heritage’. 


In celebration of the Bauhaus' centennial year, the modern design firm Knoll collaborates with OMA to create an exhibition highlighting the school's history and evolution of modern design. Knoll's close ties to the iconic German school is in part related thanks to one of  Knoll's founders, Florence Knoll. After her husband Hans Knoll passed away in 1955, Florence took over as the head of the company. For years following Knoll's aesthetic ethos was greatly influenced by Florence's design leadership and affiliation with pioneers at the famed Bauhaus school.

为纪念包豪斯成立一百周年, Knoll现代设计公司同荷兰OMA建筑事务所合作,共同完成了一次展览,重点展现学院历史和现代设计的演变过程。Knoll同包豪斯学院的紧密联系部分是由于其创办人Florence Knoll。在其丈夫Hans Knoll于1955年去世后,Florence接手了事务所的运作。多年以来,Knoll的美学理念一直深受Florence的设计领导、同包豪斯学院设计先驱的关系影响。


