Jeff Zynda:未来十年,实验室设计将大有可为
来源:畅言网 2017-09-20
Jeff Zynda, 帕金斯威尔建筑设计事务所波士顿办公室董事和科研实践主管(Jeff Zynda, Principal and Practice Leader of Perkins+Will Boston Office)
Jeff Zynda是实验室设计领域的顶级专家,致力于通过创新理念推进科研建筑的发展。过去18年中,他在欧美地区设计并规划了700多万平方英尺(65万平方米)的科研空间。Jeff现任美国帕金斯威尔建筑设计事务所董事。他作为嘉宾受邀出席8月17日到18日于北京举办的国际可持续发展实验室高峰论坛。建筑畅言网有幸采访Jeff,请他针对科研空间设计这一主题,介绍自己的见解和体会。
Jeff Zynda, has been one of the leading experts in laboratory design, devoted to the advancement of buildings for science through innovative ideas. In the last 18 years, he has designed and planned 7 million square feet of research spaces in the United States and Europe. As the principal of Perkins+Will, Jeff has been invited as a guest speaker to 2017 China Chapter Conference of International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories. During the forum, which was held 17-18 August of 2017, Archcy had the honor of interviewing him. Please read the transcript of the Q&A, in which Jeff has shared his understandings and insights in the area of academic space design.
Archcy: Would you please tell us some ideas of your lecture yesterday?
JZ: The purpose of my talk is to discuss some of the fundamental changes in science that are changing the way in which we design science buildings. This is primarily related to the phemonenon of “convergence”. Convergence is the combination and transformation of typically separated science disciplines such as biology, chemistry and physics, being combined into creating new types of science and completely new ways of doing research. The buildings designed for science need to respond to that in very different ways than they have in the past. There are two key aspects to that from the design perspective, adaptability and sustainability. These are the underlying tenets of my talk yesterday.
哈佛大学生物实验楼(Harvard Biological Laboratories Building) Photo from Perkins+Will
Archcy: What are you working on right now?
JZ: I am working across the world, many projects in the United States, at Harvard University, also for Columbia University, designing research laboratories as well as Fermi National Laboratory and I’m also hoping to engage some new clients in Ireland for innovation district planning for science enterprise campuses.
Archcy: How do you become an architect?
JZ: I liked to draw when I was a kid. I would draw little cities, fantasy places. That was a big influence on my eventual life direction. When I was young, my parents encouraged me to draw and engage my creative side. There are no other architects in my family although we have a long history as builders and craftsmen. My grandfathers and my great-grandfathers were all carpenters or wood workers . They were all builders. They built with their hands. So now I’ve taken that tradition in a little bit different direction. Now I create designs and others build.
JZ:从雪城大学毕业后,我为意大利Carmassi工作室工作,老板是Massimo Carmassi。那段日子很有意思,在佛罗伦萨做建筑设计也很有趣。那里可说是文艺复兴的发源地,依然存在着不少最优秀的建筑。我最早的项目之一是比萨城总体规划。这个机会非常令人兴奋。那时我才刚毕业,不仅能参与整个城市的改造和开发,还能和当地最杰出的建筑师(Massimo Carmassi)一起工作。这对我来说,是一个具有蜕变意义的经历。此后,我还在Senigallia图书馆项目上和Carmassi一起工作过。那座图书馆是建在拥有上千年历史的古罗马遗址上的现代场馆,Carmassi将它称作“介入物”,它以极其独特的方式实现了现代与古代建筑之间的并置共存。
Archcy: I heard you had joined in a studio in Italy years ago.
JZ: After I graduated from Syracuse University, I worked for a small studio in Italy named Studio Carmassi, led by Massimo Carmassi. That was an interesting time in my life, very interesting to practice architecture in Florence, Italy, one of the places where arguably the Renaissance was born and some of the greatest works of architecture exist. One of the very first projects I worked on there was the master plan for the city of Pisa. That was an exciting endeavor, straight out of school, working to establish the plan for the restoration and development of an entire city, with one of the greatest architects who has ever practiced there (Massimo Carmassi)That was a transformative event for me.Soon after that, I worked on a library in Senigallia with Carmassi. That was what Massimo referred to as an “intervention”, a modern library in a thousand year old of Roman ruin, the juxtaposition of modern architecture and ancient architecture was pretty unique.
Archcy: Why do you focus on designing research spaces?
JZ: I quite enjoy designing buildings for science because it is through science and discovery that we advance as a human society. I see the real tangible outcomes of the buildings that I design are contributing to a global societal shift for the positive. There are positive impacts on human health, the advancement of infrastructure and the betterment of the planet. My buildings are not about the buildings themselves. They are about what will happen within the buildings. It's really about the advancement of science, I love it. I’ve had the honor to have worked with some of the most brilliant minds in the world. I have worked with Nobel laureates and other brilliant researchers on designing laboratories to support their research. In some small way, I like to feel as if I've contributed to their work. That's important to me.
Archcy: What is the wathershed moments in your career?
JZ: There is a funny story I'd like to tell. One evening, I was watching an American news program called "60 Minutes" with my family. They were talking about advancement in regenerative medicine. In particular, it was focus on research about regenerating tissue and body parts for injured soldiers. I recognized the person they were interviewing on the news. I then realized they were conducting the interview inside a laboratory that I had designed. It was a powerful moment that linked the work that I had personally done to the advancement of research that was so much more important than the physical environment in which it was completed. That was the watershed moment so to speak. It solidified my commitment to designing for science.
Archcy: How do you find inspiration and break from daily grind?
JZ: I find inspiration in just about everything. You can find inspiration in every event every day in the world; You just need to be looking for it. Many people go through their lives doing their jobs day in and day out, and they aren't really seeing the world with their eyes wide open. I find inspiration from everyday life but also from travelling to new places. In fact, this is my first time in China. I am fascinated by the city of Beijing. It is unlike any other city I have ever experienced, in terms of scale, history and diversity. I think we learn and grow as individuals, from experiencing different parts of the world which in turn challenges and changes our own perspectives. I suppose that's where I draw inspiration from, those new events, things that are new to me, that broaden my perspective. I see how I can start to make that part of who I am as a person and who I am as an architect.
Archcy: Do you keep in touch with the other architects?
JZ: I do associate with many architects. But I think the connections I really enjoy aren't so much with the architects as they are with some of my clients, with engaging the research community and understanding what types of problems they are trying to solve, what are their challenges. I find science fascinating. I find architecture fascinating as well. But perhaps maybe not as much as I find science fascinating. Maybe I am a misplaced person. I don’t not know.
Archcy: How do you perceive the profession of architecture?
JZ: The profession of architecture is changing. The tradition of years past of the master builder are changing to now being a choreographer of many different professions and trades. Architects today need to understand the broader realm of what makes a building, not just the architecture or design, but project delivery, how construction methodologies are changing, how engineering techniques are changing. We are moving from singular author in many senses to being a choreographer of architecture event that was product of many different professionals coming together and all contributing in their own capacities. In a certain sense, the phenomenon I was speaking of in terms of science about “convergence” is happening in the profession of architecture as well. Different traditionally separate disciplines such as Architecture and Engineering are merging to become one.
Archcy: Would you encourage your son to learn architecture as well?
JZ: I've often thought about that. I don't have a good answer. My son is a different person from who I am. If architecture is something that he is interested in, by all means I'd encourage him. It is a difficult profession these days. It is more complicated than it was ever been. But it is also incredibly rewarding. I wouldn't dissuade him from trying to engage in architecture, but I don't want to unduly influence him to become something that's not genuinely who he wants to be. That's more of my parental perspective than an answer to your question. If he wants to be a chef or a librarian or an architect, I am okay with anything he wants to do. The same applies to my daughter.
宾夕法尼亚州立大学佩尔先进生物研究实验室(Pell Laboratory for Advanced Biological Research at the Pennsylvania State University) Photo by Warren Jagger Photography
畅言网:三年前,我采访了Perkins+Will旧金山办公室负责人Peter Busby,他表示公司一直重视可持续性。能谈谈您对可持续性的理解吗?
Archcy: Three years ago, when I interviewed Peter Busby, head of San Francisco Office of Perkins+Will, he said that your firm is focusing on sustainability. What is your understanding of sustainability?
JZ: I have a strong opinion about sustainability and responsibility in architecture especially in research buildings. They are some of the largest energy consumers of any building types on the planet. There are greater opportunities to reduce energy consumption and reduce carbon emissions in science buildings than there are in the other building types. Comparatively, research buildings might use 60% or more energy than standard office buildings. While the opportunities are greater, the penalty the planet pays for not taking sustainable approaches in research buildings is much greater. When we look at buildings for science and the opportunities to be more sustainable, there are simple techniques to employ to reduce energy that many designers aren't focused on because their focus has traditionally been on meeting the technical or safety requirements of laboratories. These can still be met while significantly reducing energy through simple planning strategies such as upfront zoning and modularity of laboratory building. I think that the industry as a whole, people who design buildings for science are behind where they need to be today and far behind in thinking about sustainable solutions for the future. I continuously write about these issues in order to bringing attention to the issues that there are huge opportunities that cost very little or nothing to implement. We just need to be re-focusing our efforts in different ways when designing buildings for science.
Archcy: What makes it special to design projects in Europe?
JZ: The real interesting thing about working in a global practice is being able to see how different parts of the world engage in science. There is no universal approach to solving the same problems. The local customs and regulations are all playing a part of the recipe for how one responds to solving the science building problem. For me, the interesting thing is that you can take the exact same topic and look to four parts of the world have four very different solutions. It is part of that broadening perspectives, the diversity you see across the globe that's important to informing the practice we have, designing the types of buildings we design because each contributor has a unique perspective. It is not about a right or wrong approach, it is all part of contributing to a broader perspective and understanding. Each of the global experience has added to my perspective on best practice on laboratory building design and I hope that it continues to do so.
JZ:“全球本土化”指的是在意识层面上的全球化影响,它所针对的是我刚才讨论的那种大尺度话题,比如说如何处理科学方面的问题?然后又如何完成本土化的交付?这关系到全球化视角和本土化交付。如何实现机会的最大化?因为一切最终都会回归到建筑实体上,而建筑终归是建在特定地点的,相较于全球经济活动,它充分运用了特定地点的建筑传统习俗、项目交付方法、建筑传统文化等等。 “全球本土化”在于平衡两大问题,提供尽可能充分发挥这两方面优势的创新方案。
Archcy: How do you define the term "glocal"?
JZ: "Glocal" is about the global influences at ideological level, large scales issues such as what I was discussing, how one solves the problems in science, but then how you deliver them locally? It is about global perspective and local delivery. How do you maximize those opportunities? Because everything comes back down to a building, which is built in a specific place and takes advantage of traditions and customs of building in that particular location, the project delivery methods, the building traditions and cultures, compared to now what is global economy, a global agenda. Glocally is about balancing those two issues and offering an innovative solution that embraces the best of both aspects.