来源:畅言网 2024-12-26
卓汉(Johan Sarvan)
卓汉建筑事务所(JSPA Design) 创始人
极简、不浮夸、粗野主义,法国建筑师卓汉(Johan Sarvan)的诸多作品似乎透露出一以贯之的品质,彰显出建筑师和甲方共同的审美品位。材料运用方面,个人特色相当鲜明:无论是现浇混凝土、青砖、夯土,还是玻璃、金属、实木,本真的材料都能带来自然触感,使得建筑既不突兀,又不“泯然众人”,实现了与周边语境的和谐互动。在同建筑畅言网的专访中,卓汉介绍了不同类型和尺度项目设计手法的考量,并透露其作为建筑师始终不变的追求:永恒、有意义、隽永的设计。
As French architects, how did you enter the Chinese architectural design market?
△太原壶津威士忌酒吧/JSPA Design©言隅-刘星昊
When I first discovered China, the country was growing rapidly, but there wasn’t always a clear architectural orientation. I’ve always been drawn to minimalism and modern design, and I saw an opportunity to bring a more timeless and thoughtful approach to this fast-changing environment. I didn’t want to follow trends; I wanted to create something lasting that would truly connect with its surroundings.
From the start, we respected China’s cultural heritage and sought to merge it with a modern, minimalist style. We believed that simplicity and quality would speak for themselves. Our early projects were small, but by focusing on design integrity and collaboration, we gained trust and built a reputation for creating spaces that felt bold yet harmonious with their environment.
Why advocate a minimalist modern style?
△山西宁武燕麦工厂/JSPA Design©Schran Images
Minimalist modern style transcends trends and has a timeless quality. In a world that often chases fleeting aesthetics, minimalism offers something enduring. It’s about stripping away the unnecessary to reveal the true essence of a space : the simplicity, purity, and clarity within. This approach doesn’t just create architecture that lasts; it allows the spaces we design to evolve, adapt, and remain relevant as the world around them changes.
However, we also believe in pushing the boundaries of minimalism, taking it to another level, possibly through Brutalism, to make a stronger, more visceral impact. Brutalism, with its raw materials and primitive forms, emphasizes honesty in design and celebrates simplicity in its purest form. By combining minimalism with Brutalism, we shape spaces that are clear yet striking, achieving a design that is timeless in form and powerful in presence.
What are the design highlights of the newly built Taiyuan Whisky Bar? From a construction perspective, how do you guarantee the high degree of architectural completion?
△太原壶津威士忌酒吧/JSPA Design©言隅-刘星昊
△太原壶津威士忌酒吧/JSPA Design©言隅-刘星昊
The Taiyuan Whisky Bar is a research on balance and contrast, where the arch becomes a symbol of strength and warmth, balancing roughness and refinement. At its core is cast-in-place concrete, monolithic, and enduring its anchoring the bar within its urban surroundings.
The design flows naturally, breaking the boundary between the city and the interior. Suspended concrete ceilings, folding windows, and a helicoidal staircase bring movement and openness, while brass accents add a soft contrast to the raw textures of concrete and gray brick, creating a balanced and inviting atmosphere.
Simple materials like teak wood, leather, and polished surfaces bring warmth and intimacy, softening the strength of the concrete. The arches form quiet, private spaces, while integrated seating invites comfort and connection, blending scale with a human touch.
This is a space where architecture becomes an experience; grounded, enduring, and enriched by the crafted beauty of whisky. It is both humble and timeless, rooted in its materials and alive in its simplicity.
To achieve the high degree of architectural completion, it is crucial to partner with a construction team that understands and respects the design. As architects, we must retain full authority over the process, guiding every detail to preserve the integrity of the vision. The architect’s voice should be the final one, ensuring that the space is built not just to specifications, but with soul.
If you have to pick a project that embodies JSPA's design concept and professional skills, which one would you choose?
All our designs are interconnected, they represent different facets of the same idea. To truly understand our vision, we need to look at the common thread running through each of our works: the use of monolithic materials, simplicity in form, and a focus on harmony between architecture and its surroundings. Each project is a continuous development but in the same direction, refining and evolving these core principles over and over. We don't approach each design as a one-off solution, but as part of a larger, ongoing conversation about how architecture can be timeless, durable, and responsive to its context.
深圳移卡办公室荣获 Dezeen设志大奖(2023年度中国最佳室内设计类办公项目)。 悬挑的玻璃会议室令人惊叹,且颇为罕见。让业主认可方案,会有困难吗?
Shenzhen Yeahka C4 Office was prized as the annual office interior project in 2023. The cantilevered glass conference room is stunning and rare. Was it difficult to persuade the owner to accept the plan?
△深圳移卡C4办公楼室内设计/JSPA Design©苏圣亮
Convincing clients to sacrifice usable space for something unconventional is always a challenge. For the Yeahka Office, the cantilevered glass conference room meant losing several hundred square meters of office area. Initially, the idea raised concerns about practicality.
However, we emphasized how this feature would transform the workspace, creating a striking focal point and enhancing the overall environment. The transparency of the glass would connect different areas of the office, fostering openness and lightness.
The client took the risk, and it paid off. The conference room became a defining element of the space, elevating the entire office and setting a new standard for innovative workspace design.
The Whiskey Bar and Oatmeal Factory both used materials such as cast-in-place concrete and red bricks. What are the differences in materials and construction techniques for projects of different scales?
△太原壶津威士忌酒吧/JSPA Design©言隅-刘星昊
△山西宁武燕麦工厂/JSPA Design©Schran Images
Regardless of scale, we are drawn to materials that are both timeless and grounded in the earth. Concrete, bricks, and rammed earth not only embody structure and architecture in seamless harmony but also connect us to nature and the passage of time.
Concrete stands as a symbol of strength and permanence, akin to the enduring ruins of ancient civilizations. Its strengths define space while embracing it with an elemental quality. Bricks, with their warmth and texture, evoke the human touch with craftsmanship that creates an intimate, tactile connection. Rammed earth, the most primal of these materials, brings the earth into the architecture itself, grounding the space in the land.
These materials are not just echoes of the past, but they are enduring, capable of weathering the passage of time. They reflect the essence of brutalism: raw, honest architecture that reveals its origins and grows into its environment. In every project, we strive to create spaces that become part of nature, evolving and seamlessly blending with the world around them.
Personally, which architect's works do you appreciate the most?
我很欣赏秉持极简主义理念,同时又能打造出对社会有重大影响的设计作品的建筑师。他们的作品往往简单明了,却持续影响着社区和环境。我对阿尔多·范·艾克(Aldo van Eyck)的观点产生了强烈共鸣“如果一座房子要成为一座真正的房子,它就必须像一座小城市;如果一座城市要成为一座真正的城市,它就必须像一座大房子。”建筑应该塑造联系和归属感。彼得·卒姆托(Peter Zumthor)的作品讲述了空间和光线的宁静之美,而杰佛里.巴瓦(Geoffrey Bawa)的设计与土地相协调,创造了与自然的无缝连接。这些建筑师的作品提醒我,真正的建筑不仅关乎形式,还关乎建筑给人的感受以及建筑同周围环境的互动。
I admire architects who embrace minimalist concepts while creating designs that have a strong societal impact. Their work often focuses on simplicity and clarity, yet leaves a lasting influence on the community and environment.. Aldo van Eyck’s idea of “a house must be like a small city if it's to be a real house; a city like a large house if it's to be real city” resonates deeply with me, architecture should foster connections and a sense of belonging. Peter Zumthor’s work speaks to the quiet beauty of space and light, while Geoffrey Bawa’s designs harmonize with the land, creating a seamless connection to nature. Their work reminds me that true architecture is not just about form, but about how it feels and interacts with its surroundings.
As the real estate market is declining, many design companies have fewer project opportunities now. What changes do you feel in terms of running a design firm?
△湖州玫瑰庄园精品酒店/JSPA Design
We’ve rarely collaborated with real estate developers, which has allowed us to focus on more specialized and meaningful projects. As the market tightens, we see this as an opportunity to refine our work even further. The current climate encourages minimalist designs that prioritize quality over quantity. Looking ahead, we aim to continue focusing on Adaptive Reuse and Refurbishment Projects (both urban and rural), as well as Hospitality Projects (hotels, resorts, boutique accommodations), while staying committed to creating timeless, meaningful designs.
卓汉(Johan Sarvan)毕业于法国巴黎国立马恩河谷城市建筑大学,拥有建筑学硕士学位。作为JSPA Design 的董事及所有人,卓汉多年专攻建筑、室内、景观设计。JSPA Design是一家位于北京的法国建筑设计工作室。从2009年成立至今,形成了建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计及产品设计等全方位的设计服务体系。JSPA Design的设计语言是现代的,又常常是突破常规、具有启迪性的,跳出传统的风格概念,专注于光影、材质与空间之间的动人关系。
△太原壶津威士忌酒吧/JSPA Design
△深圳移卡C4办公楼室内设计/JSPA Design
业主是⼀家⽀付科技领域的上市公司,JSPA对其三个楼层的办公空间进⾏了改造,总⾯积达6000 平⽅⽶,试图以⾰命性的设计展示科技公司更加透明和开放的企业⽂化。
△湖州玫瑰庄园精品酒店/JSPA Design
△山西宁武燕麦工厂/JSPA Design
△科技寺望京/JSPA Design
△北京东城私宅改造/JSPA Design
△山西省宁武县芦芽山风景区游客中心/JSPA Design