



——Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl:Commitment to High-Quality Livable Environment

北京安博戴水道新办公室剪彩仪式(从左至右)安博执行董事Hanne Christensen、新加坡安博戴水道公司执行董事Leonard Ng,丹麦驻华大使Carsten Damsgaard

Inauguration of Ramboll's new Beijing office by (left to right) Hanne Christensen, Managing Director, Ramboll Water; Leonard Ng, Partner and Managing Director of Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl Singapore, and the Danish Ambassador to China, Carsten Damsgaard


Founded in 1980, Atelier Dreiseitl is a multidisciplinary practice specialized in integrating art, urban hydrology, environmental engineering and landscape architecture within an urban context. In 2013, the new partnership it formed with the international engineering consultancy, the Ramboll Group has spurred its development to a new level. Now, Dreiseitl has moved its Beijing office to a newly renovated modern office building around the East Fifth Ring in Chaoyang District.

丹麦驻华大使Carsten Damsgaard接受畅言网采访

The Danish ambassador to China Carsten Damsgaard interviewed by Archcy

7月13日,建筑畅言网有幸受邀见证安博戴水道乔迁典礼。作为尊贵来宾,丹麦驻华大使Carsten Damsgaard先生出席并参与了剪彩仪式。大使先生告诉畅言网记者,哥本哈根曾数次被评为世界最宜居城市,而丹麦和中国两国有着创建可持续性城市的共同目标。在水资源管理,污水处理,防洪和城市景观领域,安博集团拥有广泛的经验。两国政府和企业层面展开紧密合作,将使双方受益。

On 13th of July, Archcy has been offered the honor to witness the special housewarming ceremony. As a distinguished guest, the Danish ambassador to China Carsten Damsgaard has arrived and attend the cutting ribbon ceremony. Ambassador Damsgaard told Archcy that Copenhagen has been nominated the most livable city in the world for several times and Denmark share the same goal with China in creating sustainable cities for the future. The Ramboll Studio has extensive experiences in water, polluted water treatment, flood prevention and urban landscaping. The close collaboration in both official and private levels will promote the mutual benefits of both countries.

新加坡安博戴水道公司执行董事Leonard Ng, 安博执行董事Hanne Christensen

Leonard Ng, Partner and Managing Director of Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl Singapore and Hanne Christensen, Managing Director of Ramboll Water

庆祝活动结束后,畅言网对安博执行董事Hanne Christensen女士、新加坡安博戴水道公司合伙人及执行董事Leonard Ng进行了专访,讨论安博戴水道如何依靠跨学科能力,同杰出的客户一道创造出色的工程项目。以下为采访全文——

After the celebration, we sat down for an interview with Hanne Christensen, Managing Director of Ramboll Water, and Leonard Ng, Partner and Managing Director of Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl Singapore, to discuss how the studio relies on its engineering capabilities in multiple disciplines and bring about desirable projects with the help of incredible clients. Read the interview in full below.


Archcy: Could you firstly introduce your experiences as a landscape architect?

Leonard Ng (LN): 我是景观建筑师出身。2006年,完成了研究生学习。2008年,加入了戴水道公司。

Leonard Ng (LN): I am trained as a landscape architect. I finished my postgraduate education in 2006. I joined Atelier Dreiseitl in 2008.

Leonard Ng从丹麦驻新加坡大使Dorte Bech Vizard手中接过荣誉奖章

Leonard Ng Receiving Medal of Honour from Dorte Bech Vizard, Ambassador of Denmark to Singapore


Archcy: In March, you received His Royal Highness Prince Henrik’s Medal of Honor for your outstanding contributions to Singapore’s urban landscape. I assume the story should have started from the day you established Dreiseitl Singapore office ten years ago.



LN: In 2008, when Dreiseitl won the Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park project, it offered me an opportunity to start up an office in Singapore. It was perhaps one of the most important projects for the company.

As regard to the medal, it was my boss Hanne, who acquired the medal on my behalf. This medal symbolized that me, representing a Danish company, growing a Danish brand in Singapore. It was a recognition of joint efforts. It is only possible with the support of Ramboll, which provides us the opportunity to develop. And hence the Danish government recognized that.

Hanne Christensen (HC): 这也是因为你的确表现出色。奖项由丹麦王室颁发,只有极少量(总共8个左右)的人获奖。我们提名Leonard,是因为他表现突出。他如今负责新加坡和北京公司的管理。新加坡和北京团队的紧密合作将使我们赢得更多的景观和水资源领域的机会。

Hanne Christensen (HC): It was also because you did so well. It was given by the Danish Majesty and only very few persons (eight or so in total) were awarded. We have nominated Leonard because he has done a fantastic job. Now he is responsible for business of both offices in Singapore and here. We could even win more exciting projects in landscape and water as we have stronger collaboration between the Singapore team and the Chinese team.

天津文化公园 Tianjin Cultural Park


Archcy: I wonder how the collaborations are operated among your teams in Germany, Singapore and China.

LN: 每家办公室有各自擅长的领域。比如,北京公司的专长是河流项目,而新加坡和德国分别擅长自然保护区和总体规划设计。根据项目具体要求,各个办公室可以专注于匹配其特长的项目。

LN: Each of the offices has different strengthened business. For example, Beijing office is strong in river projects, while Singapore and German teams are good at natural reserves and master plan design, respectively. Depending on the requirements of projects, each office could concentrate on the projects that match its expertise.


Archcy: How often do you travel to China?

LN:每两个月来一次,Hanne每年来几次。多数时间,由北京公司负责人Cathy Lv管理,进行日常决策。

LN:I come here once in every two months. Hanne comes here a few times a year. Most of the time, Cathy Lv, head of Beijing office runs the show, makes the day to day decision.


HC: But we also have a lot of catch-up on the radio calls or internet calls because to be an environmental friendly company, we cannot fly around the globe all the time. The exchange program we have let the staff in Germany could also work in Denmark, Singapore or here. We ensure that we have international landscape architecture design as a basis for what we are doing. We are an international firm within landscape architecture.

新加坡碧山宏茂桥公园 Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park 


Archcy: What is the most memorable project in your career?

LN: 碧山公园肯定是其中之一,也是我在新加坡的第一个大型项目。另外,万礼野生动物园目前正在施工,将于2020年完工,成为新加坡动物园的扩建部分。此外还有天津生态城和潮白河修复项目。

LN: Bishan is one, for sure, which is my first big project in Singapore. The next one is Mandai Nature Safari Park, which is being built right now (finished in 2020) as an expansion to the Singapore Zoo. For China, there was Tianjin Eco City and recently Chaobai River restoration.

万礼野生动物园 Mandai Nature Safari Park


Archcy: The climate in Northern China is arid and short of water, which is totally different from Singapore. Does the climate difference affect the design plan?

LN: 虽然气候条件不同,无论在新加坡或中国,对水的处理手法都是一致的。水一样珍贵。我们让人们了解水的意义。新加坡雨水多,但同样缺水。这座小岛上人口众多。我们试图保护、留住每一滴水。对水的态度没有不同。我们始终如一坚持将水同环境相结合,保护水资源,并教育下一代。

LN: Although the weather pattern is different, the approach to water is consistent no matter it was in Singapore or China. Water is precious in everywhere. We make people understand the meaning of water. In Singapore, there is still not enough water though it rains a lot. It is a small island with many people. We try to preserve and protect every drop of water. The mentality and the reference to water are the same. Our approach is always to see how we can combine water with the environment, to protect it, to educate the future generation.

丹麦Avedore污水厂 Spildevands Centers Avedore


Archcy: Before joining Ramboll, you have worked in an environmental authority in Denmark. Could you let us know the overall process and the time span for the government to permit and supervise projects of private industrial companies?

HC: 丹麦对于污水排放和水资源大量消耗有制约机制。我们对于污水和废气的排放量有控制标准。我曾经负责领导一个欧盟系统,要去公司遵守一定的数据和法规。在法规要求下,我们不会对环境产生过大的影响。公司必须监督自身行为,并将自查结果上报。我很高兴能在环境部门任职。我也曾在工业企业中工作过,也就是安博客户的一方。我对咨询公司和企业双方的感受都有所了解。在执行法规时,我们要解释原委,也配有咨询人员处理技术问题。在这一体系下,发展经济的同时,也能实现可持续性。


HC: In Denmark, we have a system to combat the discharge of polluted water and huge consumption of resources. We have an idea about how much pollution could be caused to the air and to the water. I had been responsible for this and led a system by the European Unions with data and regulations to ensure the companies to observe. We will not have huge impact on the environment under such regulations. The companies should supervise what they are doing and provide a lot of investigation to us. For me, it has been a pleasure to work as an authority. I have also worked in an industrial company before, which could be a client of Ramboll. I know a bit to how it feels to sit at the other side of the table. They are asking how it is when you must administrate a regulation, and you have consultants to contribute to technical problems. With the Danish system, we are being able to develop industries while be sustainable at the same time.

As for the time span, it can be quite different depending on what kind of enterprises to start or expansions of current projects. We have the idea in Denmark that it will not cost more than a year. On average, the time span is around 6 months. Many of the companies start to make planning and design their new facilities in the meantime.


